Family Resources & News

Family Resources & News

As a full-service community school, our responsibility to your family and the families of each of our staff members goes beyond comprehensive academic education. It extends to social, emotional, and health services for students, family members, and community members that will improve educational outcomes for our students. This page contains resources we think would benefit our students and their families.


Liz Woodcock, Staff Title IX Coordinator: [email protected]

Latisha Harp, Student Title IX Coordinator: [email protected]


Technology Help Desk

Feb, 23, 2021|Categories: Learning Resources, Technology, Virtual Classroom|

Having trouble with your Chromebook? Forgot your username or password? Need assistance getting onto the internet? We can help!

Option 1: Email our Help Desk at [email protected]

Emails are checked between 8 am and 5 pm, Monday to Friday. All emails will be acknowledged within 24 hours, and all attempts will be made to solve your issues as soon as possible!

Option 2 : Come to technology office hours at school

Between August 3 and August 14, our technicians will be on site at each campus, to assist in person. Please call the school office in advance, so we have a count of participants to ensure that we stay within our capacity limits.


3880 Forest Ave, 38122  |  901-323-2162

Monday, August 3, 9 am to 12 pm
Wednesday, August 5, 1 pm […]


Refer A Student

Feb, 8, 2021|Categories: Family Resources|

Refer A Friend & Earn Chances to Win A Kindle 7 Fire. Did you know the best way to help your school is by recruiting family and friends to become Compass students? See flyer for details below.

Recomiende a un amigo y gane posibilidades de ganar un Kindle 7 Fire. ¿Sabía que la mejor manera de ayudar a su escuela es reclutando a familiares y amigos para convertirse en estudiantes de Compass? Vea el volante para más detalles a continuación.


Important Registration Reminder

Feb, 8, 2021|Categories: Family Resources, Virtual Classroom|

Current students must submit 2 proofs of residency to complete registration for the 2020-2021 school year. You are NOT registered until we have all of your documentation. A proof of residency can be a bank statement, credit card statement, MLGW statement, rental agreement, car insurance or phone bill. Proof of residency must be dated within the past 90 days.

Los estudiantes actuales deben presentar 2 comprobantes de residencia para completar la inscripción para el año escolar 2020-2021. NO está registrado hasta que tengamos toda su documentación. Una prueba de residencia puede ser un extracto bancario, extracto de tarjeta de crédito, extracto MLGW, contrato de alquiler, seguro de automóvil o factura telefónica. La prueba de residencia debe estar fechada dentro de los últimos 90 días.

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