Family Resources & News

Family Resources & News

As a full-service community school, our responsibility to your family and the families of each of our staff members goes beyond comprehensive academic education. It extends to social, emotional, and health services for students, family members, and community members that will improve educational outcomes for our students. This page contains resources we think would benefit our students and their families.


Liz Woodcock, Staff Title IX Coordinator: [email protected]

Latisha Harp, Student Title IX Coordinator: [email protected]


Nations’s Report Card Released 2024

Jan, 30, 2025|Categories: Community Resources, Family Resources|

Earlier this week, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) released its results for the 2024 school year, and there is much to celebrate for Tennessee schools.

NAEP, often referred to as the “Nation’s Report Card,” is the largest ongoing assessment of student achievement in the United States. It evaluates representative samples of students across all 50 states, allowing for year-over-year comparisons in key subjects like math and reading.

The dedication of Tennessee’s educators and students is reflected in several key highlights:

  • Proficiency rates exceeding the national average in 4th and 8th grade reading and math.
  • Notable increases of 2, 4, 6 and 7 percentage points in 4th and 8th grade reading and 4th and 8th grade math, with 4th-grade math scores approaching Tennessee’s highest […]

TDOE Releases School Letter Grades for 2023-24

Dec, 19, 2024|Categories: Community Resources, Family Resources|

Today, the Tennessee Department of Education released school letter grades for the 2023-2024 school year. These grades are calculated based on multiple metrics, including academic achievement and growth, and provide a comprehensive view of how well schools are supporting student success.

Similar to last year, these grades demonstrate the great work that Tennessee’s charter schools are doing to serve our state’s students.

Notable Highlights

  • Statewide Improvement:
    An increase in the percentage of charters earning A’s and B’s in 2024 compared to 2023 – from 32% in 2023 to 36% in 2024.
  • Shelby County:
    Charter schools earned A’s and B’s at a slightly higher rate than district schools, with 31% of charters compared to 28% of district schools. This represents a 6 percentage point increase over last year’s grades […]

Compass Celebrates REWARD SCHOOL Designation

Dec, 15, 2024|Categories: Community Resources, Education, Family Resources|

16 Charter Schools in Tennessee Earned Reward School Designation – 3 Of Those 16 Were Compass Community Schools.

The Tennessee Department of Education announced school and district designations for the 2023-24 school year, including Reward Schools, Exemplary Districts, and In Need of Improvement districts. These designations are based on various performance indicators, including student achievement and growth.

Across the state, 377 schools in 97 districts received the Reward School designation, 10 received the Exemplary District designation, and 10 received the In Need of Improvement designation. Sixteen of the 377 schools were charter schools, and three were Compass Community Schools. The complete list of district and school designations is available on the department‘s accountability webpage.

“I am thrilled to highlight the 2023-24 Reward Schools and Exemplary Districts for their dedication to fostering […]


Hispanic Heritage Month: Compass Community Schools a model for ELL success

Nov, 2, 2022|Categories: Education, Learning Resources, news and information|

The Catholic Diocese of Memphis support these schools, whose focus is educating children residing in the neighborhoods in which these schools are located. The Diocese of Memphis has leased school buildings to Compass Community Schools to serve Jubilee students as well as other students from the surrounding neighborhoods as they operate schools at the following campuses: Berclair, Binghampton, Frayser, Hickory Hill, Midtown, and Orange Mound. Compass Community Schools is led by Executive Director Kristi Baird.>>>>Click here to read more.


Compass Community Schools is a model Tennessee should follow

Nov, 2, 2022|Categories: Education, Family Resources, Learning Resources, news and information, Uncategorized|

This year’s Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) results were rightfully cheered for the gains Tennessee students made, but it’s important to keep in mind achievement gaps still persist.

This is especially true for students who are English Language Learners (ELL). These students scored 15 points lower than the state average in English Language Arts and 10 points lower in Math.

As our state looks for solutions to the inequities that create these achievement gaps, we can learn much from the model that’s currently serving Memphis students at Compass Community Schools.>>>>>Read More>>>>>>>>

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