

COMPASS COMMUNITY SCHOOLS – Committed To Meet Students Where They Are.

Feb, 12, 2025|Categories: Careers, Community Resources, Education, Family Resources, Uncategorized|

The mission of Compass Community Schools is to prepare students for college and life-long success by developing the whole child through a focus on academic excellence, values-based character education, and service learning in the community. Compass Community Schools opened in July 2019 to serve students in the Memphis neighborhoods of Berclair, Binghampton, Frayser, Hickory Hill, Midtown, and Orange Mound. Today, Compass serves over 1400 K12 students across six campuses, making them the largest group of charter schools in a single charter network within the City of Memphis. TVAAS achievement and Reward School status Compass is also one of the highest-performing charter networks in the city. The Tennessee ValueAdded Assessment System (TVAAS) scores for the 2023-24 school year were recently released, and five out of six Compass schools were recognized as Level 5 schools, the [...]


Compass Celebrates REWARD SCHOOL Designation

Dec, 15, 2024|Categories: Community Resources, Education, Family Resources|

16 Charter Schools in Tennessee Earned Reward School Designation - 3 Of Those 16 Were Compass Community Schools. The Tennessee Department of Education announced school and district designations for the 2023-24 school year, including Reward Schools, Exemplary Districts, and In Need of Improvement districts. These designations are based on various performance indicators, including student achievement and growth. Across the state, 377 schools in 97 districts received the Reward School designation, 10 received the Exemplary District designation, and 10 received the In Need of Improvement designation. Sixteen of the 377 schools were charter schools, and three were Compass Community Schools. The complete list of district and school designations is available on the department‘s accountability webpage. “I am thrilled to highlight the 2023-24 Reward Schools and Exemplary Districts for their dedication to fostering student learning and growth in their classrooms [...]


Hispanic Heritage Month: Compass Community Schools a model for ELL success

Nov, 2, 2022|Categories: Education, Learning Resources, news and information|

The Catholic Diocese of Memphis support these schools, whose focus is educating children residing in the neighborhoods in which these schools are located. The Diocese of Memphis has leased school buildings to Compass Community Schools to serve Jubilee students as well as other students from the surrounding neighborhoods as they operate schools at the following campuses: Berclair, Binghampton, Frayser, Hickory Hill, Midtown, and Orange Mound. Compass Community Schools is led by Executive Director Kristi Baird.>>>>Click here to read more.


Compass Community Schools is a model Tennessee should follow

Nov, 2, 2022|Categories: Education, Family Resources, Learning Resources, news and information, Uncategorized|

This year’s Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) results were rightfully cheered for the gains Tennessee students made, but it’s important to keep in mind achievement gaps still persist. This is especially true for students who are English Language Learners (ELL). These students scored 15 points lower than the state average in English Language Arts and 10 points lower in Math. As our state looks for solutions to the inequities that create these achievement gaps, we can learn much from the model that’s currently serving Memphis students at Compass Community Schools.>>>>>Read More>>>>>>>>


Compass Makes The Grades. The Numbers Don’t Lie.

Nov, 2, 2022|Categories: Education, Family Resources, Uncategorized|

The scores are in, and we have something to celebrate! Find out how Compass measured up to competing Memphis schools. For the first time, we see the effects of a full year of learning as evident through our TVAAS scores. And we are thrilled to share the great news with YOU. >>>Click here to read more about Compass TVAAS Scores and Reward Schools for 2022.


Check Out The Latest Newsletter From Compass

Aug, 12, 2022|Categories: Education, Family Resources, news and information|

The 2021-22 school year has come and gone. What a great year it was! As this school year begins, here is a look-back at some of the great things that happened at Compass last year. While this issue of our newsletter is full of content, it is certainly not everything that happened this past quarter. If you are interested in keeping up with Compass daily, follow us on Facebook and/or visit our website.>>>>Click here to read more.


3rd Quarter Report Cards & Days Off In March 2022

Mar, 4, 2022|Categories: Education, Family Resources, Learning Resources|

Report cards will be sent home and emailed on Thursday, March 10th. There will be no school for students on Friday, March 11th. The school office will be open and teachers will have professional development. Students will be out of school for spring break from March 14th-19th. The school office will be open during spring break week. Classes will resume Monday, March 21st.  Have a safe & happy break!


Letter from Compass E.D. Kristi Baird-Start of School, Safety Protocols

Jul, 16, 2021|Categories: COVID Updates, Education, Learning Resources|

Dear Compass Families, I hope you’ve enjoyed a restful and fun summer break. We are looking forward to welcoming students back to our school buildings for the 2021-22 school year next week on Wednesday, July 21.  We can’t wait to see all of their smiling faces! Thank you for entrusting us with your child and allowing us to prepare them for lifelong success. As all students return to an in-person learning environment, we remain committed to the safety of our students, faculty and staff. Therefore, we will continue implementing COVID-19 safety procedures until further notice, including requiring social distancing measures; encouraging good hygiene practices; and regularly disinfecting our school buildings. While the CDC recently loosened its mask guidelines, we decided to maintain our mask requirement for students, teachers and any other individuals who enter a [...]


End of Year Letter, 21-22 School Calendar & Summer Camp

May, 20, 2021|Categories: COVID Updates, Education, Family Resources, Learning Resources|

Dear Compass Community, First, I’d like to thank you for your support, patience and perseverance as we navigated the process of reentering into classrooms over the past few months. Our students’ school family and home family worked together, like we always do, to provide them with the best education possible, and we couldn’t be more proud of the outcome. We thank you for entrusting your child with us this year, and we look forward to continuing your student’s educational journey as we head into the next school year.  We have finalized our calendar for the 2021-2022 school year! Compass operates on an extended day and extended year calendar, so more days in school result in more learning. Our first day of school for students is   July 21. All Compass schools and all grade levels [...]

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