Meet the Bears.

Believe; Excel, Achieve: Respect

Compass-Binghampton is small enough to become a “family” but diverse enough to introduce students to various cultures worldwide. Compass-Binghampton is committed to developing the whole child through rigorous academic instruction and social-emotional development to prepare students for life in high school and beyond. We believe that through positive relationships and academic personalization, we can provide students with an environment that prepares them for the world of tomorrow. We hold the bar high for our students because we know they can and will achieve it. We believe our responsibility is to support students in becoming the best version of themselves inside and outside the classroom.



Letter in Spanish

Hello, my Compass-Binghampton Family,

Welcome to our 2023-2024 school year. I am extremely excited to continue our educational journey TOGETHER! Compass Binghampton are WARRIORS!! With a warrior mindset, we do not quit! We do whatever it takes to complete the mission and obtain the goal. As Forbes said, “It means we are willing to invest as many hours necessary to learn and understand what it means to be a student, an educator, an aide, a counselor, an instructional leader. Our goal is that WE (students, parents, educators, aides, counselor, secretary, custodial, everyone) will become WARRIOR STRONG! We won’t quit but will work TOGETHER to overcome challenges and adversities. We will utilize all our strengths while refining our weaknesses to be the best version of ourselves and the school community. As we transition into our 2023-2024 school, please read a few of our successes and what goals we are targeting this school year.

OUR 2022-2023 SUCCESSES as we focused on our COMPASS PILLARS:

We were awarded an innovative schools grant to implement college and career readiness programs for our middle school students over the next three years (CODING classes, Junior Achievement)

â—‹ Reading Data:
â–  17% of 3rd graders were proficient on the RLA TCAP assessment, while 43% were approaching.
â–  9% of ESL students exited ESL based on Spring WIDA scores
â–  36% of students (in Spring) are on/above grade level, increased from 19% from the Fall iReady diagnostic.
â–  53% of students (in Spring) are below two or more grade levels, which is a decrease from 63% from the Fall iReady diagnostic.
â–  48% of Amplify (mClass) students are at/above the benchmark, an increase from 31% from the Fall mClass diagnostic.
â–  52% of students on Amplify are below/well below the benchmark, which is a decrease from 70 % from the Fall mClass diagnostic

â—‹ Math Data:
â–  26% of students (in Spring) on/above grade level increased from 6% on the Fall diagnostic.
â–  25% of students (in Spring) are below two or more grade levels, which is a decrease from 45% Fall iReady diagnostic.

â–  Raised over $500.00 for Breast Cancer Research during October Breast Cancer Month.
â–  Raised over $500.00 to support 8th grade week with our Mother/Son & Father/Daughter Dance}
â–  Compass K-8th students have completed MANY hours of service w/our K-2 visiting Trezevant Manor; 4/5th grade classes traveling to Pinecrest/Lone Oaks Farms and conducting a Food waste study & 6-8 working with MidSouth Food Bank, donated over 400 cans of food to MidSouth Food Bank & preparing over 350 boxes of food

OUR 2023-2024 TARGET GOALS as we continue to focus on each COMPASS PILLAR:

â–  TNReady Math on-track and mastery proficiency rates to 31% in 2024.
â–  TCAP ELA on-track and mastery proficiency rates to 38% in 2024.
â–  Increase the number of 3rd graders scoring proficient by at least 15%.
â–  Decrease Chronically Absenteeism by 20%.

â–  Arrive On Time: School Instructional time is 8:00 am- 3:30 pm (Breakfast begins at 7:30am; Students are late at 8:05 am).
â–  100% of students are Dressed in approved Compass Binghampton Uniform daily.
â–  Making Morning Meetings and Advisories impactful by bringing pure joy and our teachers making connections before diving into their content.
â–  100% of families are on ClassDoJo.
â–  100% of Faculty & students demonstrated the Warrior Way by exhibiting Core Values of Respect, Courage, Wisdom & Servant Leadership. â– CREATING Supportive, Hopeful, Joyful experiences DAILY.
â–  Increasing Parental Involvement by 15%.

â–  Increase our # of service hours by 10%.
â–  Host a parent and student Day of Service.

As a warrior, I am here to fight alongside each of you for the utmost success of all our students. Thank you for entrusting me and the entire Compass Binghampton team with your child. If you need me, reach out. My email address is [email protected], or by phone at 901-866-9084. Let’s go, Warriors!!


Barbara Asemota, Principal

Contact Info


2540 Hale Road, Memphis, TN 38112

School Hours: 7:30am – 3:30pm

Aftercare: 4:00pm – 5:30pm



High Expectations, Lifelong Success

Compass-Binghampton is committed to the development of the whole child through rigorous academic instruction and social-emotional development to prepare students for life in high school and beyond. We believe through positive relationships and academic personalization that we can provide students an environment that prepares them for the world of tomorrow. We hold the bar high for our students because we know that they can and will achieve it. We believe that it is our responsibility to support students to become the best version of themselves inside and outside of the classroom.




Student-Teacher Ratio




Our goal is to equip students with the tools they need for success in college, and beyond. As a charter school, we have the freedom to select a curriculum that allows us to do just that. For grades K-5, we work with CKLA English, Ready Math, Inspire Science and Studies Weekly Social Studies. For grades 6-8, we offer Wit & Wisdom English, Ready Math, iScience and McGraw Hill Social Studies. All grades participate in Spark P.E. and Flex Art.


We believe a world-class education is more than just academics. Compass-Binghampton has a focus on music and we are proud to host Prizm. Prizm is a music organization that brings talented violin, trumpet, and flute players to Binghampton to teach our 3rd - 6th graders how to play instruments. We also offer Young Vigaros which is a 3rd - 5th grade girls group, U.G.I.R.L. Inc. Gifted Girls Club for 6th - 8th grade girls and Creativity Club which is a 5th - 8th grade yarn craft club.

Extended Hours

As a convenience to our families, we offer After care to all students for a minimal charge.

After care hours are 4:00pm - 5:30pm (Monday - Friday).


Our goal is to equip students with the tools they need for success in college, and beyond. As a charter school, we have the freedom to select a curriculum that allows us to do just that. For grades K-5, we work with CKLA English, Ready Math, Inspire Science and Studies Weekly Social Studies. For grades 6-8, we offer Wit & Wisdom English, Ready Math, iScience and McGraw Hill Social Studies. All grades participate in Spark P.E. and Flex Art.


We believe a world-class education is more than just academics. Compass-Binghampton has a focus on music and we are proud to host Prizm. Prizm is a music organization that brings talented violin, trumpet, and flute players to Binghampton to teach our 3rd - 6th graders how to play instruments. We also offer Young Vigaros which is a 3rd - 5th grade girls group, U.G.I.R.L. Inc. Gifted Girls Club for 6th - 8th grade girls and Creativity Club which is a 5th - 8th grade yarn craft club.

Extended Hours

As a convenience to our families, we offer After care to all students for a minimal charge. After care hours are 4:00pm - 5:30pm (Monday - Friday).

Our Team

Passion For Teaching

Compass teachers know their content backwards and forwards and are passionate about preparing Memphis youth academically and in character for college and lifelong success. Our teachers enjoy and benefit from our intentionally small school settings, which will help them to develop trusting, positive relationships with their students and colleagues.

Service Learning

In the Community

Service-learning projects provide students with opportunities to apply newly learned knowledge and skills in real-world contexts, further cementing their understanding and giving their academic learning relevant purposes. Service learning serves as the intersection of our academic excellence and values-based character education pillars—bringing content, concepts, and skills gleaned from both to life through hands-on, tangible experiences.